Entries by Mackenzie Wallace

How a Home Inspection Can Help You

A home inspection is a crucial step in the home buying or selling process. What is a Home Inspection? A certified home inspector assesses the functional aspects of a house to determine its safety as a dwelling. They examine major systems like plumbing, electrical, heating, and cooling, as well as the roof, foundation, and exterior. […]

Can your house handle an electric car?

You can charge most electric vehicles with a standard wall outlet. But, depending on your car model and lifestyle, that will decide what type of charging you will need. There are two types of residential EV chargers: Level 1 and Level 2.     Level 1 Level 1 charging can be achieved with no installation […]

Exploring Life & Business with Mackenzie Wallace of Gain Inspect – VoyageRaleigh Magazine

I was privileged to be featured in VoyageRaleigh Magazine’s “Raleigh’s Most Inspiring Stories.” VoyageRaleigh Magazine highlights local small businesses, and gives them a platform to share their story. I am honored to have been given a chance to do that! Get to know a little about me, Mackenzie Wallace – owner and operator of Gain […]

2023 Interior Paint Color Trends

Are you ready to switch the vibe up in your home and change your interior paint color? Check out some of the colors that will be trending in 2023 for some ideas!   Blank Canvas A warm, versatile neutral that will create a cozy vibe.   Pure Earth This neutral tone will create a relaxing […]

Is It Time For a Chimney Sweep?

This time of year, there’s nothing like sitting in front of the fireplace with your significant other for a  romantic evening, or gathering with family members, laughing and reminiscing. But in order to keep those goods times rolling, we have to make sure proper maintenance is done to our fireplace so that they can operate […]

How to Change a Furnace Filter

Keeping your filters changed is important for a furnace to run properly and efficiently. Many people don’t know about the importance of this detail. A dirty clogged filter can restrict airflow in your HVAC system, making it work harder to heat/cool your home. This will lessen your system’s efficiency and cause a higher utility bill. […]

Let’s Talk About Pests

Many different types of pests are invading homes across North Carolina. But why are pests targeting our homes? And what are the different ways these pests can enter our homes?   Why Do Pests Come Into Our Homes? Most animals invade our home because they need shelter, food, and water. These items are found in […]

Common Issues Causing a High Water Bill

Water is a major utility, it’s a significant concern for homeowners, renters, and commercial property owners alike. A high water bill should be eye raising not only because of the expenses but also because it means that water may be going to waste somewhere. When you notice that your water bill is higher than normal, […]